版本更新:XMind (2021) Update 202109 九月
官網消息 2021.09.24
XMind 2021 for Desktop (Windows/macOS/Linux)
數位心智圖法軟體 XMind 2021
發佈 202109 九月 更新版本 v.11.1.0
本次更新有6大項新修改進功能:新型時間軸架構、提案簡報模式視窗呈現、可以匯出提案簡報成 PPT/PDF 檔案、備記編輯功能增強、壓縮圖面、可以自動調整同層主題寬度等。(請見另文附圖介紹)
XMind Update of September 2021
Important Updates
- New Timeline – Brand new timeline structure including “vertical” and “horizontal (off-axis)”;
- Enhanced Pitch Mode – Present your slideshow in window. Discover new layouts and customize slide aspect ratio;
- Export Slides – Export slides of Pitch Mode to PowerPoint/PDF;
- Improved Note – Recognize, insert, and edit links in Note;
- Compact Map – Reduce the size and spacing of elements to make your map more compact;
- Justify Topic Alignment – Automatically unify the width of topics of the same level to organize your map.
- Added a new Tree Chart structure with the title on the left;
- Added horizontal and vertical spacing distribution for floating topics;
- Added keyboard shortcut list for Pitch Mode;
- Optimized the performance of animation in Pitch Mode;
- Optimized Pitch Mode interaction for touch screen;
- Optimized the display of images and text in Pitch Mode;
- Optimized the interaction of the toolbar in Pitch Mode;
- Optimized the experience of Relationship;
- Optimized the display of the map with a large number of topics;
- Optimized the experience of version updates;
- Added “Recently Used” for color picker;
- Integrated PDF export for different modes;
- Optimized some error messages;
- Added support for auto-detection of email addresses when inserting hyperlinks;
- Optimized appearance of the “New” window;
- Optimized the action of changing Sticker / Image;
- Optimized format panel tab icons;
- Optimized the experience of choosing a topic structure;
- Optimized the display of a single line of text for some topic shapes;
- Optimized the display of the mixed-use of summary and boundary;
- Optimized the display of label in some background colors;
- Optimized the compatibility of inserting marker in some XMind files of previous versions;
- Optimized the performance of dragging topics;
- Fixed the error when sharing the map to e-mail in Windows;
- Fixed the failure issue of using some shortcuts when no topic selected;
- Fixed display issue of the file name in title bar;
- Fixed the issue that the files retrieved from file cache cannot be saved;
- Fixed the issue that sharing to Evernote failed in special cases;
- Fixed the failure issue of using shortcut “Fold / Unfold Subtopics (Level 1~9)” on central topic;
- Fixed the issue of option display in format panel when multiple topics selected;
- Fixed the issue that extra blank page will be added to exported PDF file in some special cases;
- Fixed the issue of losing some sheets when exporting all sheets in special cases;
- Fixed the issue that PNG exported would have some blank area in special cases;
- Fixed the problem that the “Recent files” record of Windows will be cleared;
- Fixed the error when importing Markdown file in special cases;
- Fixed the issue that branch free-positioning status in the file cannot be recorded;
- Fixed the error when displaying Tree Table;
- Fixed some other known issues.